Vice President
Tim Kane
Tim’s response to Martin’s idea to develop a tree-shaped remote that would eliminate the need to crawl behind the Christmas tree to plug in and unplug holiday lights each day with, “That’s it! That’s the one!”
It was during that very conversation that Tim and Martin shook hands and became business partners in the development of the one and only Treemote™.
Soon after, Tim and Martin sought the help of a young engineer to bring Treemote to life by creating 3D-printed prototypes. They brought those prototypes to the National Hardware Show in early 2014. At the show that they learned that the prototype was too large, so they took that advice and worked with the engineer to scale down Treemote’s size by 25 percent.
In October that same year, Treemote hit store shelves in Canada and was an immediate success. In fact, it sold out!
As Treemote Vice President, Tim aides in the marketing and communications department, working to grow the brand in North America.